It's time to reach new heights.
Video enhances your exposure recognition social proof positioning trust footprint offerings within education.
Whether you’re developing pupils at GCSE, Further Education, or Higher Education, boosting your value and awareness has never been easier. Schools, colleges, and universities can all benefit from embedding video into your education strategies this year, both internally and externally.
Video content opens up so many opportunities for development within your organisation. Creating assets to improve information retention for pupils, onboarding and education for staff, documenting events and activities for marketing, and demonstrating your value to your wide audience of parents.
These are just a few ideas, but it doesn’t stop there! Have a watch of the video below to get inspired on what else you can utilise video for.
Stats on video in education
Of educational institutes used video for staff and instructor training, with 70% also recording campus events. (Kaltura, 2022)
More clicks from a video call-to-action than a regular sidebar call-to-action. In other words, video boosts a parent’s likelihood of taking action on what they see online! (Clarine, 2016)
Our place in the journey
Tangents for Talent LTD primarily focuses on video content, including school tours, performances and plays, testimonials, school showcases, facility spotlights, and more. We have also taken event photos and behind the scenes photos for lessons when needed.
However, we’ve also worked with a range of academic bodies in a variety of ways to bring the best out of the students. We’ve provided FE and HE work experience opportunities to provide industry insights and CV development items. Here are some comments on what to expect when you take on a project with Tangents for Talent:
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